Absolutely amazing they have the best customer service and were a great help! They were awesome. I’m looking forward to selling more!
- Michelle Divigilio
The guys are fair and great to deal with. A place that you just feel right doing business with. It’s all about respect and that’s their motto.
- Jack Mynt
From one owner to another, my experience at your shop was an amazing experience. Fast process, and amazing customer service.
- Will Rodriguez
The best shop around. They offered me the most for my Luxury Watch. They are open the latest of all the shops around. They are friendly and fair.
- Danielle Carrero
Never been to a better place! I needed some extra money an they came through fast.
- Jennie Webster
Sold my watch here. They pay the best out of anyone on the street. Very honest guys! I will be back.
- Brad Johnson
Love this place. Always fair and honest!
- Angela Dixon
Absolutely amazing they have the best customer service and were a great help! They were awesome. I’m looking forward to selling more!
- Michelle Divigilio
The guys are fair and great to deal with. A place that you just feel right doing business with. It’s all about respect and that’s their motto.